作為聖馬刁縣的居民,您已經用上了 100% 的清潔電力。我們如何才能最大限度地利用清潔電力改善我們的日常生活和健康?
交通: 電動汽車、插電式混合動力汽車和混合動力汽車。家庭充電。
Webinar Topics
A vision for the future of the fully electrified home.
As a San Mateo County resident, you are already receiving 100% clean electricity. How can we maximize the benefits of clean electricity to improve our daily lives and health?
Housing: we can power our homes with clean electricity, including heating and cooling air conditioning, water heaters using heat pump technology, and cooking using induction stoves.
Mobility: Electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and hybrids. Home charging.
Attend this workshop to learn more and share your vision for a fully electrified home.